Recently Deceased:
Dan Connolly
Esther Whelan
Mass Saturday 14th September – Crookstown
Betty Keatley (A)
John O’Brien – Ballytore (A)
Mairead Mulligan (M.M.)
Recently Deceased: Dan Connolly
MASS SUNDAY 15th September – KILMEAD
Patrick Berry (A)
Nano Keegan (A)
Peg Cahill (M. M.)
MASS SUNDAY 15th September – MOONE
John Cogan – Hobartstown (A)
Francis O’Keeffe (A)
John and Elizabeth O’Neill (A)
John O’Brien – Ballytore (A)
Mairead Mulligan (M.M.)
Betty Noone (A)
Recently Deceased: Esther Whelan and Dan Connolly