The Synod

The Synod

On Wednesday next, lay women and men, members of religious orders, priests and bishops from around the world
will gather in communion with Pope Francis to pray, reflect and discuss what a synodal Church looks like. A body has
many parts and for the body to function well, to be energy filled, all the parts must play their part, and play in harmony
(1 Cor 4:31). This historic month-long event gives me hope, because I am convinced that it can make a difference to our
mission worldwide, and here in the Dublin Diocese.

You can read the text of the letter from Archbishop Farrell, on the eve of the Synodal Assembly in Rome, here synod newsletter October 22 2023

Table of Page Contents:

  • Introduction
  • What is the Diocesan Synodal Pathway – Video
  • Prayer for the Synod – Adsusmus Prayer
  • Promotional Video on Synod & Synodality
  • Dates & Venues for the listening gatherings in each faith community across the Parish Grouping.
  • Parish Report from the Listening Phase of the Synodal Pathway.
  • Dublin Diocesan Synod Report
  • National Synthesis Document


Dublin Diocesan Synodal Pathway.

Pope Francis has called a Synod (gathering) of Bishops next year in Rome. Normally when a synod takes place, the Bishops meet and discuss and then the Pope issues a document based on those deliberations.

For this synod, Pope Francis has changed the process.  For this synod, Pope Francis wants to hear from you, and from every Catholic and indeed every person of goodwill who wishes to express their views on the Church, with a view to shaping how the church will look as we go forward.

So how does this work? Over the course of the month of March, there will be a series of listening events – 2 in each faith community – where anyone who wants to, is welcome to come along and share their views,

To help this listening there are questions to reflect on. At the first meeting they are:

¨ When you think of your experience of Church, what brings joy?

¨ When you think of your experience of Church, what brings sorrow?

And at the second meeting they are:

¨ When you think of your experience of Church, what brings hope?

¨ When you think of your experience of Church, what brings fear or anxiety?

The hope is that a huge range of experiences, positive and negative, and a huge range of expectations and concerns, will be expressed by a great range of people. The various views will be categorized and consolidated before being passed through the Dublin diocese and ultimately to Rome.

This is your opportunity to have your say. These are Listening events, there will not be an opportunity for discussion or answering questions, but your questions or concerns will feature in the report from the gatherings which will be brought to Rome for the Synod in 2023. Your Church needs you, please, if you care take the time to share.

What is the Diocesan Synodal Pathway?

You can click here for a short video from Fr Kieran O’Mahoney, OSA, explaining what it’s all about.

Prayer for the Synod

Synod Promotional Video

Have a look at this short video to get an understanding of what is Synod and Synoadality


Synodal Listening Gatherings

Faith Community



Ballymount Tuesday March 1st Ballymount Church
Barrowhouse Thursday March 3rd Barrowhouse Hall
Ballymount Tuesday March 8th Ballymount Church
Barrowhouse Thursday March 10th Barrowhouse Hall
Moone Monday March 14th Moone Hall
Moone Monday March 21st Moone Hall
Athy Tuesday March 22nd T.B.C.
Crookstown Wednesday March 23rd Crookstown School Hall
Kilmead Monday March 28th Kilmead School Hall
Athy Tuesday March 29th T.B.C.
Crookstown Wednesday March 30th Crookstown School Hall
Kilmead Monday April 4th

 Kilmead School Hall

Parish Report from the Listening Phase of the Synodal Pathway.

You can see the report that was sent to the Diocesan Steering Committee by clicking here.

Dublin Diocesan Synod Report.

The report form the consultation phase of the Synodal Pathway has been completed and is available to read or download here.

National Synthesis Document

The National Synthesis Document, the report being sent to the Vatican from the Irish Bishops is available here.